Re: Sr. Player looking for assistance

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Posted by Coach of Sr Player - final response on September 22, 2023 at 10:54:50:

In Reply to: Re: Sr. Player looking for assistance posted by Coach on September 21, 2023 at 21:40:43:

: : : : What options does a Sr player with skills have that has been told he won't make this years team?

: : : First issue is, how good is the team he got cut from?
: : : Second, did he play last year on any level (JV/VAR)?

: : : If he played last year, he could transfer and sit-out until Christmas, provided he's good enough to make the team where he transfers to.. HOWEVER.. most coaches are probably not going to be all that interested in taking on a SR transfer who, to be honest, may not be all that good. The trf kid upsets the team dynamic, and if he's a marginal player, it may not be worth it.. Just depends where he transfers to.

: : : IF he didn't play, he can transfer and be eligible immediately. However, again, most coaches aren't interested in a SR who hasn't played.

: : First, thank you for responding. As to answer your questions; he was "informed" when the football kids come out, that he is on the cut list because he didnt attend any summer workouts (I think they may have 3 or 4 total)..he played high level travel ball and had individual workouts in preparation for thus season.
: : Yes, he played JV last year for me and was a 20/10pg player, a team capt and leader.
: : He has size and range..and is very coachable!!

: COMING from a current varsity head coach right now I will give you my honest thoughts, I've dealt with this many times
: Red Flag #1- he was a junior on JV, so unless he's at a top 5 team in the county he probably isn't a game changer.
: #2- avg 20 and 10 is great don't get me wrong but again....its JV ball, varsity is a differnt game, its like comparing nab to AAU. Doesn't mean all that much.
: Red Flag #3- is You yourself Sir. I mean that with all due respect as well. I can't count the number of times I've heard parents say their kid is amazing and i get them on the court and its a waste of time. no offense to you. If i was the coach you were selling your son too I would immediately think If I don't play your kid you and possibly the kid will be a nightmare to handle and onlydisrupt our team chemistry.
: Your best bet is to go somewhere like santa ana or ocean view hs where you know you'd at least make the team and go from there.
: Just my honest thoughts

Let's 1st address your Red Flags;
#1 He was 1 of 4 seniors I had bkuz the HC wanted to keep 3 Srs on his team/bench that although they didn't play, were "in the program for 3 yrs"
#2 yes, while it may of only been "JV", we played in some top level tourneys and 2,3 non league opponents...we were D5!
#3..and you sound like a coach that hasn't had lot of success...he is NOT MY CHILD!!
The overlying problem is with the HC and his inability to accurately assess potential and talent. He is a young coach who has his system he wants run, but doesn't realize that he needs to be flexible in his coaching/teaching to compliment his talent. He also runs the same offenses that his league opponents run, which is why his program will stay mediocre.
And just FYI, I'm am a former D1 official and HS head coach, so I know my observations and predictions are accurate.
I spoke with the players parent and the transfer/sit out option is a no.

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