Re: Sr. Player looking for assistance

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Posted by Coach James on September 25, 2023 at 17:37:52:

In Reply to: Re: Sr. Player looking for assistance posted by Coach on September 23, 2023 at 09:44:54:

: : : : : : : : : What options does a Sr player with skills have that has been told he won't make this years team?

: : : : : : : : First issue is, how good is the team he got cut from?
: : : : : : : : Second, did he play last year on any level (JV/VAR)?

: : : : : : : : If he played last year, he could transfer and sit-out until Christmas, provided he's good enough to make the team where he transfers to.. HOWEVER.. most coaches are probably not going to be all that interested in taking on a SR transfer who, to be honest, may not be all that good. The trf kid upsets the team dynamic, and if he's a marginal player, it may not be worth it.. Just depends where he transfers to.

: : : : : : : : IF he didn't play, he can transfer and be eligible immediately. However, again, most coaches aren't interested in a SR who hasn't played.

: : : : : : : First, thank you for responding. As to answer your questions; he was "informed" when the football kids come out, that he is on the cut list because he didnt attend any summer workouts (I think they may have 3 or 4 total)..he played high level travel ball and had individual workouts in preparation for thus season.
: : : : : : : Yes, he played JV last year for me and was a 20/10pg player, a team capt and leader.
: : : : : : : He has size and range..and is very coachable!!

: : : : : : COMING from a current varsity head coach right now I will give you my honest thoughts, I've dealt with this many times
: : : : : : Red Flag #1- he was a junior on JV, so unless he's at a top 5 team in the county he probably isn't a game changer.
: : : : : : #2- avg 20 and 10 is great don't get me wrong but again....its JV ball, varsity is a differnt game, its like comparing nab to AAU. Doesn't mean all that much.
: : : : : : Red Flag #3- is You yourself Sir. I mean that with all due respect as well. I can't count the number of times I've heard parents say their kid is amazing and i get them on the court and its a waste of time. no offense to you. If i was the coach you were selling your son too I would immediately think If I don't play your kid you and possibly the kid will be a nightmare to handle and onlydisrupt our team chemistry.
: : : : : : Your best bet is to go somewhere like santa ana or ocean view hs where you know you'd at least make the team and go from there.
: : : : : : Just my honest thoughts

: : : : : Let's 1st address your Red Flags;
: : : : : #1 He was 1 of 4 seniors I had bkuz the HC wanted to keep 3 Srs on his team/bench that although they didn't play, were "in the program for 3 yrs"
: : : : : #2 yes, while it may of only been "JV", we played in some top level tourneys and 2,3 non league opponents...we were D5!
: : : : : #3..and you sound like a coach that hasn't had lot of success...he is NOT MY CHILD!!
: : : : : The overlying problem is with the HC and his inability to accurately assess potential and talent. He is a young coach who has his system he wants run, but doesn't realize that he needs to be flexible in his coaching/teaching to compliment his talent. He also runs the same offenses that his league opponents run, which is why his program will stay mediocre.
: : : : : And just FYI, I'm am a former D1 official and HS head coach, so I know my observations and predictions are accurate.
: : : : : I spoke with the players parent and the transfer/sit out option is a no.

: : : : Lol sure you are. Stay delusional dude. You and your kid are screwed

: : : I would like to know what are your measurables, ht. wt. can you jump are you quick, also since you have no chance of making your current team, What school are you currently attending, Where do you generally live.

: : In 15 years as a head coach I never had a JV guy average 20/10. Even though it is "only" JV, 20/10 guys on JV would be on Varsity on almost every team I had, especially Juniors. For perspective, my teams won multiple league championships and had many successful playoff runs in D1,2,& 3.
: : - Also, returning players need to participate in the summer program to make the team. Opting for training & travel ball is not an excuse and it clearly shows where your priorities are at.

: I feel like you messed this up as the head JV coach. You should have been communicating to the varsity coach the way be can help the team. You also should have been a part of the Summer program and encod all your jv kids to take Part.

:I've seen this before, more than once. He's upset because you started playing daddy ball.He's not pissed at your son. He's peeved at you. Why would you take you're son to anyplace other than summer work outs? It's as simple as your rebellion has caused your son not to play.
If you're the coach and you call summer workouts, Anyone that doesn't show up doesn't play. Please don't tell any new coach this story. Just tell them that he isn't giving your son any run. Actually, just let your son tell the story. It's time for you to step back and let that senior deal with his career and any future coach.

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